Monday, November 11, 2013

My letter to my missionary daughter

How is it going Summer? I thought I would write you tonight so you will have our email on time. This week has gone by fast. Today I taught YW's in the branch. These girls are so new in the gospel. There is a lot of work to get these people educated in the gospel. We take so much for granted having grown up in the church and knowing these things all our life. I tried to as a mom teach you guys about the gospel by having you watch VHS book of Mormon living Scripture videos, having family home evening, taking you to church historical sites and just reading the Scriptures to you. As one of the sisters here in this mission calls it we teach CPR, Church, prayer and reading the Scriptures. Now if we can just convey that to our investigators then they will know what we know.

Friday night we went up to Horforth and spent the night with the Wilson's. A new senior couple came in named the Smith's and they are from Alabama. Sister Beesley has been in our district and Elder Smith was her former Bishop. She is so excited to have them here. While up at the mission office we finally got our welcome video and tour. Literally when we came the AP's picked us up at the airport, dropped us off at our flat, gave us our keys, phone and left us. We were not sure what to do. All new missionaries feel this way. We have had to find our away and create our mission for us. With Elder and Sister Smith we tried to tell them things to do and explain how things works. I hope we help them feel welcome. New missionaries have an "perfect ideal" of what a mission is like but until you experience it, it's all different. I have learned to relax and be guided by the spirit. I have to remember that we don't have the same rules as the younger missionaries. We are here to love the missionaries, loved investigators and love the members and bring them to Christ. Those things you can't put into a definition of what we do. Every day is different and unique and I love it.

I think the younger missionaries like being with us. They invited us to come with them every P-day. They love it when we take them to Costco and feed them. One of the missionaries, Elder Hoxha got transferred to the opposite end of the mission. We miss him dearly and were a little depressed when he left. Last night he called your dad and talk to him for about 15 or 20 minutes. Your dad was able to build him up and encourage him to do good. He is from Albania and it's only been a member the church for three years. He is an amazing missionary.

When we went up to York to drop off the Smith's we got to see one of our favorite zone leaders Elder Goodwin. I might've talked about him before but he's from down near London. I wanted so bad to hug him because he's like one of my kids. He will take good care of the new senior couple the Smith's.

This week Elder Sindylick and Elder Brown took us out with them to teach. We go teaching with them a lot but this week was special. We stop by to pick up a woman they are teaching and she took us over to her nonmember friends. She is not even a member yet and she is teaching her friends about the gospel. She loves the book of Mormon and has to show us what she is read. The trick is to get these people to come to church. They read and they pray but then they don't come to church. It is so hard. Transportation is always an issue.

They needed somebody to work in the family history center, so guess who is going to do that? Starting next Friday for two hours we will start working in the family history center here in Sheffield second Ward. I am so excited to be able to do this. Maybe I will learn something.

Well that's about it. We have zone training tomorrow and interviews with the president. I'm going to ask him about doing a Thanksgiving dinner for the six elders that we were close with. We feed them every week but Sister Nettleship wants to help me do it. The rule is members can only feed one set of missionaries at the time. I feed six of them every week but I'm not considered a member but a missionary. With her involved I need to ask for permission. Rules, rules, rules we have to obey them.

Until tell next week, be good, Obey be the rules and remember that you are an Allen. OUR motto is - work hard, play hard.
Love ya

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