Saturday, November 2, 2013


Margitta is married to Cyril and they have four children between the ages of one and six years of age. It can be a challenge to introduce young ones to new siutations, but Marigitta and Cyril are striving to help their six children comprehend the gospel routine. The first thing they wanted to do was teach them how to pray. Together they are fast becoming more responsible and their children are following their example.
Cyril met the Elders while they were street contacting. A couple of appointments were set up, but the Elders were never able to make contact and became unsure of Cyril's interest. One day Elder Goodwin had a good feeling and felt inspired to stop by their address. Finding Cyril and his wife, Margitta, at home, they were invited in and spent a half hour with the two of them. While that doesn't seem like much time, it was worth every minute. Since that day, their commintment grew stronger. After attending their Sunday meetings, their desire for baptism became evident. Now, say the Elders, Cyril is behaving just like a missionary and is bringing all his friends to chuch.

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