Saturday, November 9, 2013


They call a "parking lot" a "car park" here in England. We parked out car in the parking garage on the 2nd floor. I don't know if there is a difference name for "parking garage" then "parking garage" but that is where we parked our car. You can see the plaza from here. 
 The streets of the city centre in York are called "The Shambles." It is basically narrow streets with shops. You can see how close the buildings are to each other. They are very interesting and unique. 

 Street vendors like this live picture make it interesting. 
 November 11th is called Remembrance Day which is also know as Poppy Day. It is to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. These people are out selling poppies so I had to get our photo with them after I bought a poppy. 

Bonfire night and Firework night  is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November. Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder plot was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. Celebrating the fact that King James I had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London  and months later the introduction of the Observance of the 5th November Act enforced an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure. York is where Guy Fawkes was from. 

Yes, we had to have Fish and Chips in York.

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