Thursday, December 19, 2013


 Our party started at 10:30. We had to be there early to set up the tables and cut the veggies. 
They started out playing games. Missionaries love being together and interacting.

We played a missionary game with the couples. It is a game Sister Wilson came up with. I had lots of investigators (green and golden cards) and baptism (blue cards). 
  This is a game called Ninja. Not sure how to play it but it looked fun.

 Some liked to do Karaoke.
 Some liked to watch.

We had Domino's Pizza for lunch and well as veggies. Sister Wilson brought us a Root Beer. Merry Christmas to me! I love Root Beer and miss it a lot. Later we had cake for dessert and other sweets. 

 Elders Mosley and McAillister were the organizers for the day. Save your sweaters for the ugly sweater contest when you go home Elders. 
 Elder Donaldson wore his PJ's.

 The President likes a good challenge and the missionaries love it too. 

The AP's and Zone Leader Elder McAillister were in charge of the days activities. The afternoon was spent in a talent show from the four zones present, Sheffield A & B, Grimsby and Hull Zone's. 
 We all get answerphone messages so Sheffield A zone did a cute skit about that. 
Elder Misselwitz Sheffield B zone MC.

We never knew Elder Krylborn could sign and Elder Sindylek could play the guitar. 
Elder Hillock killed it with "Oh Holy Night."

Oreo challenge..Elder DeShazer won!

Counting our wrinkle one by one.

A rap from Sheffield B zone. 
Elder Brown was awesome on the piano. 
Couples: Iverson, Wilson, Allen and Gibb
Favorite Czech missionaries Elder Juran and Elder Sindylek
Our favorite Brit...Elder Goodwin. 
Elder Pollock is from Thatcher, AZ. He knows our nieces Shalene and Karrisa Allen.
President and Sister Pilkington at the end of the day.

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